God Gathers His People
He foreshadows the fourfold Eucharistic action of taking bread, blessing it, breaking it, and distributing it.
Tuesday • 3/12/2024 •
Tuesday of 4 Lent, Year Two
This morning’s Scriptures are: Psalm 97; Psalm 99; Genesis 49:29–50:14; 1 Corinthians 11:17–34; Mark 8:1–10
This morning’s Canticles are: following the OT reading, Canticle 13 (“A Song of Praise,” BCP, p. 90); following the Epistle reading, Canticle 18 (“A Song to the Lamb,” Revelation 4:11; 5:9–10, 13, BCP, p. 93)
A text version of this podcast can be found here
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