Cathedral Kids

About Cathedral Kids

Our Mission is to invite all to know, love and serve God through Christ Jesus. Children from ages 0 to grade 4 are welcome in our program! The children have a place to call their own: Nursery, Children's  Activity Room, Children's Chapel and Sunday School classrooms are all places of fun and discovery as children learn Bible truths. There is nursery during the 10:15 AM & 6 PM services all year.

Cathedral Kids’ Church is during the 10:15AM service in the undercroft for ages 4-9 (we ask that they can use the bathroom on their own, and sit through a short lesson in the chapel before they move from nursery to Kids’ Church). The second Sunday of each month is Library Day. We get to take the kids up to our very own Yergey library where they are read to (we read about a Saint, and books with a Biblical theme about that season). We bring the kids into the cathedral to join you for The Eucharist during announcements. We give them little pouches that have a coloring activity, colored pencils and lollipop. When you come out of church please place the pouches in the bin in the narthex.

There are many opportunities for fellowship, worship, fun, service and education. We also provide activities for families to join together and form relationships with each other. We invite your child to come and grow in Christ with our Cathedral family. 

For more information, please e-mail Lindy Hamilton or contact her by phone 904.226.7419


Ages 0-4 meet in the Ed building during the 10:15am service. Contact Lindy with any questions.


Lindy Hamilton

Children’s Director

Many of you already know Lindy and her three boys (Magnus, Augustus, Atlus), but here is a bit more about them: they came to Cathedral in 2018 from the Jacksonville area.  Having attended an Anglican church in Jacksonville, they decided to check out the Cathedral and quickly determined it was their church home. 

They have loved being a part of a small group on Wednesday nights and participating in the Cathedral Kids ministry. After attending Father Joshes confirmation class Lindy was confirmed in the Fall of 2020.

“From the beginning,” Lindy says, “everyone made our family feel so welcome and we were very grateful for that.  It has been great getting to know this congregation and I am very excited to partner with parents in serving our precious children.” Lindy attended Bryan College in Dayton.  And her boys currently attend Cornerstone Charter school.

Lynn Hayward,

Nursery Coordinator

I'm a proud mother of two beautiful daughter's and blessed to be called Grama by four amazing grandchildren. I have been in childcare for over 45 years. I am honored to be trusted to care for the children at The Cathedral of St Lukes. I am looking forward to this new and exciting chapter in my life.

Emily Morris

I have a bachelors degree from UCF in Environmental studies with hopes of becoming a park ranger. I love fashion and I make music! I've worked with the Cathedral kids since August of 2016 and I love growing and spending time with the kids.

Katherine Claudio

I have been attending the Cathedral since birth, got confirmed last year, and have been involved in the Cathedral Kids’ ministry since 2016. When I am not working I am prepping for my GED and attending Valencia College. My hobbies include cooking, arts & crafts, and gardening.

Taralyn Hayward

I'm a mother of 2 amazing children. I love working with kids and watching them grow in prayer and build their foundations in Christ.  I am so thankful to be a part of the children's ministry here at the Cathedral.  

Cheryl Beverly

Hi I’m Cheryl and my 2 lovely granddaughters Amira and Alyiah. We love hanging out at church and getting to know people.  I moved to Orlando from the North in 2011 in obedience to God’s preparation for our new calling with my 3 daughters.  Can’t wait to meet you :)

Leann Hennis

I am a recent UCF integrative studies graduate now working as a registered behavior technician for children with cognitive disabilities. I also enjoy babysitting!