Holistic Worship | Head & Heart | Healing Relationships | Hands
How do I get involved at the Cathedral?
How do I grow in my Faith?
1. Holistic Worship
The worship of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the cornerstone of our community life. We believe that God meets us in real ways at every juncture of our lives. Can we help you connect with God in of these ways?
Holy Eucharist
Healing Prayer
Confession/Rite of Reconciliation
Holy Orders
2. Head & Heart Classes & Groups
In the Bible we are encouraged to “grow up” in our faith. The Cathedral offers several opportunities each Fall and Spring to do just that during the Dean’s hour and mid-week groups. These small group learning opportunities are varied in their topics and approaches but all have the same goal: to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Healing Relationships
We believe that our relationship with God is utterly connected to our relationships with people. We offer times and places where these relationships can grow and flourish.
4. Hands
Our relationship with God is too sweet to keep to ourselves. The love of Jesus is meant to be extended to others. Here are some ways you can participate in extending the love of Jesus!
Inside the Cathedral
Welcome Team
Altar Guild
Flower Guild
Wedding Guild
Choir (Adults) and Choristers (Youth Choir)
Pastoral Care
Office Volunteer
Children’s Ministry Volunteer
Lector (Scripture Reader)
Prayer Team
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Angel’s Army (Cathedral Grounds Team)
Acolytes (Men, Women, and Youth)
Outside the Cathedral
We partner with a number of organizations around the city of Orlando and you can join us!
Jobs Partnership
Christian Service Center
Coalition for the Homeless
Salvation Army
Matthew’s Hope
Orlando Union Rescue Mission