Welcome To Our Cathedral!
The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie M. Kidd
From The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie Kidd
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Cathedral! We hope you feel welcomed and at home here, and we would love to be a place where you and your family experience the truth, beauty and community of historic Christianity. If I can be of help to you in any way, don't hesitate to contact me at our Cathedral Office.
The Cathedral is the mother church of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida and a Communion Partner with other Episcopal churches who desire to strengthen ties with
the worldwide Anglican communion.
There are numerous ways to join parish life and worship. We offer Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m. There are also numerous ways to get involved in one of our many ministries, guilds, helping and prayer teams. There are also opportunities in our Music Department.
For more information, please call the church office
or e-mail the Dean's assistant, Fay Chandler.
Attending Worship
Arrival and Parking
There are three areas designated for parking near the Cathedral on Sundays: 1) Metered street parking around the building is free on Sundays. 2) The Lanier Parking Lot is a surface lot exactly adjacent to the Cathedral on the corner of Washington and Magnolia, and is free for those attending the Cathedral. 3) The Regions Bank Parking Garage is also a free, covered place to park. Simply pull into the garage, take a ticket, and receive a parking voucher from one of our ushers when worship concludes.
What To Expect
We meet each Sunday at 8 a.m., 10:15 a.m., and 6 p.m., and Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m. for the ancient rite of worship Christians call Holy Eucharist.
In Anglican churches many worshippers come early to kneel and pray silently before worship begins. You are welcome to do this! After worship, we come together for fellowship in the Great Hall.
Using Thomas Cranmer's masterpiece of English literature and theology, the Book of Common Prayer, we sing hymns and say prayers, we read scripture and listen to preaching. In doing so we reenact the story of the Bible together each week during Holy Eucharist, allowing the biblical themes of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration to shape our lives.
You'll also notice that our worship expression utilizes traditional forms like incense and dress (vestments), bells and chant. In this way the worship experience involves all five of our senses. You could say we literally taste, smell, and touch the gospel story in the bread and wine of communion! From the Cathedral's architecture to our liturgy, as poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, “[Jesus] Christ plays in ten thousand places.” It’s glorious! For more on Anglican liturgy and the Bible, here is an article from one of our priests, The Rev. Canon Dr. Justin Holcomb.
We would be honored to host your children. All of our volunteers and staff have been trained in the Safeguarding God’s Children program and have completed a thorough background check. In Nursery or CathedralKids your child will have fun and learn about God in a safe environment.