The Reverend Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about the hope that lies within each of us and how we can share this hope with all who ask.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Fourth Sunday of Easter
The sermon is delivered by The Reverend Canon Josh Bales. Canon Bales speaks to us of what the early church looked like in Acts 2:41-47
Third Sunday of Easter
The sermon is delivered by The Very Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd. Dean Kidd speaks to us of what life in a time of exile looks like for the Christian.
Second Sunday of Easter
The sermon is delivered by Reverend Peter Tepper. Peter Tepper speaks to us of the journey for disbelief to belief and how the Holy Spirit is necessary for this transformation.
Easter Sunday
The sermon is delivered by Bishop Greg Brewer. Bishop Brewer speaks to us of Mary’s visit to the empty tomb in John 20:1-18.