Jesus is King, and You are Not- Well, It's Complicated...

"Nobody can tell me what to do!" This sentiment may be the greatest challenge facing First World Believers today. All the benefits of our social and political liberties often lead us to forget that the freedom we have in Christ is the freedom to serve. We need the constant reminder that Christ is King, and we are not. Yet, we are also called to live as free people, children of the King.

Reggie Kidd

2 Samuel 23:1–7; Psalm 132:1–13

Revelation 1:4b–8

John 18:33–37

Mind Blowing Truths and a Great Cloud of Witnesses — Crash Helmets for Everybody!

We need crash helmets for worship on All Saints Day: 1) because of mind-blowing truths (Jesus weeps, he ascends as King of glory, and he will set a table for us at the end of time when he makes all things new); and 2) because the saints who have gone before us are still a part of us, and are cheering us on!

Reggie Kidd

Isaiah 25:5–6; Psalm 24; Revelation 21:1–6a;

John 11:32–44

God Is The Hero

The failures of Israel's Kings detailed in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings can be discouraging unless we realize that the scriptural authors want us to see God (Yahweh) as the Hero, not these men. God is the one who will keep his promise to Israel (and to us) through his Heroic Command of Human History, his Heroic Commitment to his people, and by paying the Heroic Cost to save humanity.

Josh Bales

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14, Psalm 111, Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58

12th Sunday of Pentecost

Absalom! Absalom!

Lessons from a failed father and a narcissistic son: 1) Faith learns that we are sinners, but that a faithful King and Son comes to save; 2) Hope discerns a confident but sober way to live in anticipation of "Thy Kingdom come"; 3) Love learns to accept and to imitate our Heavenly Father's love and our Savior's life.

Reggie Kidd

2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:35, 41-51

11th Sunday of Pentecost