Supernaturally Changed

Sermon preached by Canon Peter Tepper on 26JUN2022 at the Cathedral Church of St Luke.

In this talk, Canon Peter Tepper speaks to us about how the Holy Spirit brings about change and transformation in our lives by the power the Holy Spirit. When God produces the fruit of the Spirit in our lives he does so inexorably, inevitably, and quite visibly. It is this transformation that looks like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20

Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Luke 9:51-62

A Friend High Up, Praying for You

"For as Christ has brought us from death to life, and brought us from loneliness and emptiness, into fellowship with one another, we become God's own place of dwelling, and that happens only when beyond the teaching, beyond the acting, beyond the embodiment, there is the praying."

Sermon preached the 7th Sunday of Easter, 29 MAY 2022, by the Very Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd.

Acts 16:16-34

Psalm 97

Revelation 22:12-14,16-17,20-21

John 17:20-26

Love the Real Me

Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how Christ asks us to love him, to love the real him that we might know the Father and him and impact the world in the power of his Spirit that we might bring peace and joy wherever we go.

Sermon preached 22MAY2022 at the Cathedral Church of St Luke by Dean Reggie Kidd on the 6th Sunday of Easter, 2022.

Acts 16:9-15

Psalm 67

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5

John 14:23-29

One More Thing

Just when we think God is done, He surprises us with the unexpected. God's invitation is to all. He summons us to know life and life to the full. He calls us not to get something from us, but to give himself to us. God fills even the most unlikely with the Holy Spirit, a Roman Soldier and his family with the Holy Spirit. Cornelius experiences God's love which leads to an overflow of gratitude and mission.

Sermon preached by Canon Peter Tepper on 15 May 2022.

Acts 11:1-18

Psalm 148

Revelation 21:1-6

John 13:31-35

Who Is This That Appears?

It is God, the beloved who comes who is called Gazelle in the Song of Songs who comes leaping and bounding. It is our God that comes leaping the mountains and bounding the hills to rescue, redeem and love his people. Jesus is the good shepherd that calls us home. He is the one that heals us and binds us. Dorcas, in the book of Acts is such a woman. A woman who is healed and restored in or that she might heal and restore.

Sermon preached by Dean Reggie Kidd at CCSLOrlando.

Psalm 23

Acts 9:36-43

Revelation 7:9-17

John 10:22-30

When You Need an Easter

What happens when things don't go the way you would have hoped? This is when you really need an an Easter. Nobody is ever going to find Jesus bones in a tomb outside Jerusalem, not because people have not looked hard enough, but because the bones are not there. They are not there because he came back from the dead. They are not there because he is alive. They are not there because he is doing business with you. 

Reggie Kidd

Acts 9:1–20

Psalm 30

Revelation 5:11–14

John 21:1–19

The Love of the Risen Christ

Jesus meets us where we are. He lovingly descends to our situation and meets us precisely how we need to be met. It is in his infinite love that he meets Thomas at the point of his doubts, at the point of his fears. Much as an older brother will descend to play "lincoln logs," so Christ condescends to meet Thomas right where he is in his moment.

Josh Bales

Acts 5:27-32

Psalm 150

Revelation 1:4-8

John 20:19-31

How to Think About Temptation

Often we think of temptation in unhelpful ways. Sin and temptation can be misunderstood if we reject our humanity. We attribute too much power to Satan, without acknowledging that Christ is more powerful and has conquered our sin. The final way we misunderstand sin and temptation if we think God is playing mind games with us.

Canon Josh Bales

Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16

Romans 10:8b-13

Luke 4:1-13

Unmasking and Reflecting the Glory of the Son

As we gaze at Jesus we are transformed. We are not able to stare at God's amazing beauty. But indirectly, God veils his divinity cloaked in his humanity. On the mount of transfiguration, God reveals who we are, he reveals who we pretend to be, and finally he reveals who we can be would we only let seek God's face or presence. It is in his presence that we are transformed.

Exodus 34:29-35

Psalm 99

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2

Luke 9:28-36