Deep within the wonder of God’s very being, seeming opposites coalesce, truth and mercy meet.
This morning’s Scriptures are: Psalms 85 & 86; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Ephesians 2:1-10; Matthew 7:22-27
This morning’s Canticles are: Pascha Nostrum (“Christ Our Passover,” BCP, p. 83); following the OT reading, Canticle 10 (“The Second Song of Isaiah,” Isaiah 55:6–11; BCP, p. 86); following the Epistle reading, Canticle 18 (“A Song to the Lamb,” Revelation 4:11; 5:9-10, 13, BCP, p. 93)
Welsh Hymn performed by Matt Redman, "Here is Love Vast as the Ocean":
fWelsh Hymn performed in cymraeg (welsh), "Here is Love Vast as the Ocean":
A text version of this podcast can be found here