Principles for Worship

Our worship is governed by The Book of Common Prayer, an attempt to capture biblical principles for worship.

Friday • 4/19/2024 •

Friday of the 3rd Week of Easter

This morning’s Scriptures are: Psalm 105:1–22; Exodus 24:1-18; Colossians 2:8-23; Matthew 4:12-17

This morning’s Canticles are: before the Psalm reading, Pascha Nostrum(“Christ Our Passover,” BCP, p. 83); following the OT reading, Canticle 10 (“The Second Song of Isaiah,” Isaiah 55:6–11; BCP, p. 86); following the Epistle reading, Canticle 18 (“A Song to the Lamb,” Revelation 4:11; 5:9–10, 13, BCP, p. 93)

A text version of this podcast can be found here