John’s perspective is breathtaking. The God of the universe has taken to himself bodily form. But in the end, John keeps it simple. Much like Winnie the Pooh, John uses simple language to communicate deep truths.
The Dream of the King
We all long for a King. Under good leadership we flourish. Though we all long for a king, life's disappointments lead us to doubt our King's good intentions. We have a king we can trust and follow.
Our Small Praying Hands in His Large Praying Hands
Jesus prays throughout his earthly ministry that the Father might rescue him "out of" death so he can be our forever-priest. Now, he prays for us at the right hand of the Father. Good news for the weary and the defeated!
Jesus’ Greatest Sign
The Rev. Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about the signs or miracles in John’s gospel. The greatest and most wondrous sign is that of Jesus’s being lifted up and drawing all unto himself.
Ten Words: Bad News and Good News
The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie Kidd speaks to us about the Bad News and the Good News of the Law. The Law shows us our sin and it beautifully shows us our Savior.
23rd Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how Christ in fulfilling the dreams as hopes of the Old Covenant brings us from the Mount of Woe to the Mount of Blessing.
All Saints Day, 2020
The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie Kidd speaks to us about the meaning of All Saints day and what it means when we profess, “We believe in the Communion of Saints.”
21st Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
The Very Rev. Dr. Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how increases in us the meaure of faith, hope and charity so that we can learn to love God and love our neighbor.
17th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Rev. Peter Tepper speaks to us about how on the journey God gives us the inexhaustible resource of his life giving Spirit because of Christ’s accomplished work on the Hill of Calvary.
16th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about how the journey from Egypt to Canaan is a roadmap that illustrates the Christian life. A life of tension, temptation, trust and ultimate joy.
15th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how God approaches us with two arms, how we receive and give grace in two motions, and how we need the wings of law and grace to lift us.
14th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about special moments of worship and how help is on the way.
8th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how through Christ Jesus we are more than conquerors as he expounds on Paul’s epistle to the Romans.
6th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how because of God the Father's love, and Jesus' satisfaction on the cross we can live Spirit empowered lives of "No Condemnation" Sunday Sermon Jul 12th, 2020: 10:15am Sunday Worship Service.
4th Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about the One Rule of Life, the One School of Faith and the One Goal. Sunday Sermon June 28th, 2020: 10:15am Sunday Worship Service.
3rd Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Part II of a two part series. Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about the implications of what it means to follow Jesus. Sunday Sermon June 21st, 2020: 10:15am Sunday Worship Service.
2nd Sunday after Pentecost, 2020
Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about the implications of what it means to follow Jesus. Sunday Sermon June 14th, 2020: 10:15am Sunday Worship Service.
Trinity Sunday, 2020
Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about how our Triune God has chosen to relate to us in various ways as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He desires to draw us into the very fellowship and communion he enjoys from before eternity.
Whitsunday, Pentecost Sunday
Peter Tepper speaks to us about the glorious transformation that Spirit-filled life brings to the believer. Experience God’s Love. Express it back to Him, and then engage the world with a new found language of Love and Reconciliation.
Ascension, Seventh Sunday of Easter
The Very Reverend Dean Reggie Kidd speaks to us about the how the Ascension is the beginning of our restoration as Christ restores us from the effects of sin and death.