Grace and a New Way to See

Sermon preached on Sunday 30 October, 2022 by Canon Peter Tepper at the Cathedral Church of St Luke.

What are you willing to do get see a great vista? A famous figure? Or something Historic. In the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus invites to a new way to view ourselves, other people and our talents and resources. God's Grace changes our perspective and makes us generous.

Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4

Psalm 119:137-144

2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12;

Luke 19:1-10

We're Not Home, Yet

Jeremiah writes to his readers, “Seek the welfare of the city.” One of the motifs of the bible is that of exile and alienation. We are not home, yet. God calls us as heavenly citizens to work for the welfare of our community.

Sermon preached by the Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando on 09 OCT 2022.

Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7

Psalm 66:1-12

2 Timothy 2:8-15

Luke 17:11-19

There is One Hope, and He Has a Name

As we read today, Jeremiah account of the Lord telling him to buy a field just before the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile into Babylon, a promise of restoration. 

Luke who wrote the gospel from which we read today, describes the coming of that restoration at the beginning of his gospel. 

Our Epistle today soberly reminds us, it's possible to get hope wrong. 

Sermon preached by the Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando on 25 Sep 2022.

Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16

1 Timothy 6:6-19

Luke 16:19-31

The Great Story

The Bible is one great story. All 66 books tell one great story. The story of God wanting a relationship with his creation, his rescue of a rebellious creation, and the restoration of relationship to this loving God in Christ Jesus.

Sermon delivered by the Revd Patricia Orlando on 18 SEP 2020 at the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando.

Jeremiah 8:18-9:1

Psalm 79:1-9

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Luke 16:1-13

A Life Animated by Faith, Hope and Love

On September 11 we remember lives and loves lost. This Sunday we analyze and ask ourselves, "What animates our lives? Is it love? Is it faith? Is it love?" Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the II was examplary in showing us a life animated by her Faith in Jesus Christ and her love for God and her people. In her Chrismas address of 2011 she said, "Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves, from our recklessness or our greed. God sent into the world a unique person, neither a philosopher nor a general, important though they are. But a savior with the power to forgive."

Sermon preached by the Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando on 11 Sep 2022.

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 

Psalm 14 

1 Timothy 1:12-17 

Luke 15:1-10

Where is the Disconnect?

In our series on divine connection, Canon Josh Bales speaks to us about the nature of connecting our worship to our work. "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." The writer of Hebrews challenges us to make our worship, what comes off our lips, match our work, that which we offer to God and the world.

Sermon preached 28 August, 2022 at the Cathedral Church of St Luke by Canon Josh Bales.

Jeremiah 2:4-13

Psalm 81:1, 10-16

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16

Luke 14:1, 7-14

God's Refrigerator Art

Hebrews 11 speaks of a great cloud of witnesses who lived the life of faith and are now up there, cheering us on. You and I may buckle under the weight of thinking have to be perfect. God asks us to look at a look at a couple of the lives. It is in the lives of flawed saints like Gideon and Samson that we find the forgiving Savior, Jesus, who prays "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

Sermon preached by the Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando on 14 AUG 2022.

Isaiah 5:1-7

Psalm 80:1-2, 8-18

Hebrews 11:29-12:2

Luke 12:49-56

Rich Towards God and Others

"If our deepest needs as human beings are taken care of and we can see God face to face. Then we can be known by our creator as we are known. When someone gives me a dollar bill, I know what to do with it and what not to do with it right. My deepest needs have already been met. I can use this in a way that honors God in a way that is being rich toward God."

Sermon preached on 31 JUL 2022 by Canon Josh Bales.

Hosea 11:1-11

Psalm 107:1-9, 43

Colossians 3:1-11

Luke 12:13-21

Talking to Dad

Do you find prayer easy? Many of us do not. Jesus teaches us 6 important ways to approach God in Prayer. It is by our adoption by the power of the Holy Spirit and through Jesus sacrificial death that we can approach God as Father. This truth changes the nature in which we communicate in prayer.

Sermon preached on the the 24th of July by the Reverend Dr Reggie Kidd, Dean of the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Orlando.

Hosea 1:2-10

Psalm 85

Colossians 2:6-15

Luke 11:1-13

We Believe in Jesus, Our All in All

Sermon preached on Sunday 17 July, 2022 by Canon Peter Tepper at the Cathedral Church of St Luke.

Many can recite the first four words of the creed, "I Believe in God," but do you know what it means to say I believe in Jesus. If you're going to worship Jesus, he's got to be a big Jesus one who is above all else and who will become our all in all.

Amos 8:1–12

Psalm 52

Colossians 1:15-28

Luke 10:38–42

Receive the Good Samaritan, Become the Good Samaritan

Not all of us have been mugged and left for dead, but we can all relate to the story of the Good Samaritan at some level. But the real thrust of Jesus’s parable is to encourage us to neighborliness, that is, to be like the Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ who pays debts that he does not owe.

Sermon delivered by Dean Reggie Kidd on 10JUL2022 at the Cathedral Church of St Luke.

Amos 7:7-17;

Psalm 82;

Colossians 1:1-14;

Luke 10:25-37